Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
502 CHApTEr 2 2 | a ConSerVatiVe tenor | period nine 1980 to the present TopIC I | an end to the twentieth Century^503503

prACTICIng Historical Thinking

Identify: Summarize the position that is stated by the Southern Baptist Convention
in this resolution.
Analyze: What rationale does the Southern Baptist Convention provide for its
Evaluate: To what extent does the battle over legalizing gay marriage represent a
clash between people on the far right and far left?

ApplyIng Ap® Historical Thinking Skills

sKill review Contextualization and Synthesis

Answer the following question in the form of a complete essay. Use the documents above
and information from your textbook and classwork to support your arguments.

Characterize the major economic, social, and political debates during the last
quarter of the twentieth century (1975–2001). To what extent do these debates
reflect controversies and concerns from the third quarter of the twentieth century

steP 1 Contextualization
Using the graphic organizer below, determine how key contexts shaped key debates.

1950–1975 1975–2001

Historical context (events and trends
that shaped these years)

Historical context (events and trends
that shaped these years)

Economic debates Economic debates

Social debates Social debates

Political debates Political debates

required by any governing body to implement, impose or act upon any such law.
So help us God.

Southern Baptist Convention, “Resolution on Homosextual Marriage,” New Orleans,
Louisiana, 1996,

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