Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
518 CHApTEr 2 2 | a ConSerVatiVe tenor | period nine 1980 to the present putting it all together^519519

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revisiting the Main Point

Choose three documents from this chapter that characterize the United States’
changing role in the world between 1975 and 2013. In what ways do these
documents represent broader shifts in the country and the rest of the world?

During this period, how did international concerns shift on the part of the
United States? What were the primary economic and political causes of this
shift? In what ways did science play a role?

Compare US foreign policy before and after the 9/11 attacks by using four
documents from above.

Choose three documents that characterize changes in the American economy
during the last quarter of the twentieth century—and into the twenty-first
century. What broader economic changes do these documents represent?

Characterize changing migration patterns in the United States during this
period by analyzing at least three documents and explaining the ways in
which they characterize these changing migration patterns.

rethinking audience and Voice in Primary

Incorporating primary documents into historical argument gives your argument
credibility. You can bolster that credibility by showing some understanding of
the voice behind the document and its intended audience. By noting the point of
view, you can contextualize the document and are better situated to understand
how this document responds to other documents.
For example, consider the following two documents from this chapter:

Document 22.12, George W. Bush, On Iraq, 2003
Document 22.17, Barack Obama, Speech on the Middle East, 2011

Both the voice and the audience for either speech reflects differing political
ideologies. Bush’s press conference on Iraq features this language:

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writing sKills

These are not the actions of a regime that is disarming. These are the actions
of a regime engaged in a willful charade. These are the actions of a regime that
systematically and deliberately is defying the world. If the Iraqi regime were
disarming, we would know it, because we would see it. Iraq’s weapons would
be presented to inspectors, and the world would witness their destruction.

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