Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

530 Index Index 531

African Americans, HUAC,
and, 442–444
CIA and, 434
Eisenhower on, 437–438
after Second World War, 432
Communist Labor Party, meeting
of (1918), 396–398
Comparison, 15, 42–43, 51–55,
77–78, 80–81, 82, 111,
131, 143–144, 157, 163–
164, 165, 243, 246, 270–
271, 285–286, 298–299,
302, 325, 333–334, 364,
401, 402–403, 420–421,
445, 472, 517, 520
Compassionate conservatism
(George W. Bush), 504
Competition, 11, 28
“Completion of the
Transcontinental Railroad
at Promontory Point”
(1869), 309, 309 (i)
Compromise of 1850, 253, 259
Lincoln-Douglas debates
and, 262
Compromises. See also Missouri
of 1850, 253, 259 (m)
before Civil War, 253–263
Concerning the Just Causes of the
War against the Indians
(Sepúlveda, 1547), 14
Concession, 142
Conclusions, 9, 55, 82, 99, 422
Conestogo Indians, Paxton Boys
massacre of, 148
Coney Island, 365, 366 (i)
Confederacy. See also South
Davis as president of,
emancipation of slaves by,
Richmond destroyed in, 291,
292 (i)
Conflicts. See Battles; Revolts
and rebellions; Wars
and warfare; specific
Congress (US), “Contract with
America” (1994) and,
Conkling, Roscoe, 316 (i)
Connecticut, 62

Connections, between historical
information and
documents, 24
Conquistadors, 12
Consensus, breakdown of,
Conservatives and conservatism,
“Address to the First
Conservative Political
Action Conference”
(Reagan, 1974), 466–467
Bush, George W., on,
in late 20th and early 21st
centuries, 490–522
“Consistency” (Puck, 1891), 332,
333 (i)
Constitution (state), of Georgia,
Constitution (US), 116
African Americans and, 305
Article I, Sections 2 and 9,
dissent at Constitutional
Convention and, 128
Madison on, 129
Preamble to (1787), 134
Virginia ratification of,
130–131, 131 (i)
woman suffrage and, 346
Constitutional Convention
(1787), 128, 134
Consumers, growth of, 382
Containment, 490
Eisenhower on, 437
Context, 341, 402–404
Contextualization, 49–50, 77–78,
127, 161, 208, 264–265,
285–286, 314–315,
324–326, 333–334, 357,
367–368, 391–392, 401,
442–444, 445, 502
Continental Army, 103
Continental Congress
Articles of Confederation
(1781–1789) and, 125–126
Jefferson and, 122
Continuity and change over time,
9, 51, 52, 98, 199–200,
323, 378, 411, 420, 421
“Contract with America”
(Republican Party, 1994),
Contrast. See Comparison

Convention of Kanagawa, 240
Conversation, argument as,
Conversion, to Christianity, 12,
26, 40
Cooperation, 11, 28
Corn, Ann and Alfred, White,
Edmund, letter to, 462–463
Cornwallis, Charles, 104
Corporations, LaFollette on,
“Correspondence between Daniel
Shays and Benjamin
Lincoln” (1787), 151–152
Cortés, Hernán, Tlaxcalan people
assistance to, 8, 8 (i), 9 (i)
Cotton gin, patent renewal for,
Counterarguments, 79, 111,
Counterculture, 440 (i)
Yippies and, 480
“Crisis of Confidence,” Carter on,
cotton as, 193
tobacco as, 31
Soviet Union and, 438
Spain and, 408–409
Cuban missile crisis, 438–439
Culture(s). See also Native
Americans; specific
British North American, 58
equal rights and, 236
interactions among, 26
after Second World War,
Custer, George Armstrong,
“Description of Custer’s
Battlefield” (Sheridan,
1876), 330

“Danger Threatening
Government, The”
(LaFollette, 1897), 352–353
Darrow, Clarence, vs. Bryan,
Davies, Lawrence E., “Zoot Suits
Become Issue on Coast”
(The New York Times,
1943), 399–400, 400 (i)

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