Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
544 Index Index 545

Reagan, Ronald (continued)
“‘Morning in America’
Campaign Television
Commercial” (1984), 494
on Soviet Union, 490
“Speech at the Berlin Wall”
(1987), 495
“Speech at the University of
Virginia” (1988), 496–497
Reason-based historical
argument, organizing and
outlining, 229–232
chronological, 51, 206, 357,
423, 458
deductive, 229, 230, 232, 304,
357, 486
inductive, 229–232, 301, 303,
Rebellions. See Revolts and
rebellions; specific wars
about, 276–277, 294–306
secondary sources on, 305–306
Red Scare (1919), 396–397
in 1960s, 448
prosperity and, 361–380
of Social Security, 508–509
Tarbell and, 372
Refutation, 163, 164, 165, 247
Regional identities, 158–161
Reid, Whitelaw, 316 (i)
Relation of the Indian War, A
(Easton, 1675), 37
Religion(s). See also specific
Anglicanism as, 76 (i)
First Great Awakening and,
58, 73–75
of Puritans, 83–84
Second Great Awakening
and, 233
“Remarks to the Senate” (Wilson,
1917), 412–413
“Report from the Spotted Tail
Indian Agency” (1877),
“Report on the Chicago
Strike” (United States
Strike Commission,
1894), 363–364
“Report to the Governor”
(Governor’s Investigating

Committee on Problems
of Wisconsin’s Spanish-
Speaking Communities,
1971), 481–482
“Republican Campaign Song”
(1856), 260 (i)
Republican government
Locke on, 118
threats to, 362
Republican Party
Campaign Song (1856),
260 (i)
“Contract with America”
(1994), 499–500
emancipation and, 278
Republican National
Convention (2000),
Republicans (Jeffersonian), 107
Reservations, Dawes Allotment
Act and, 332
“Resolution on Homosexual
Marriage” (Southern
Baptist Convention,
1996), 501
Revivalism, 58
Revolts and rebellions. See also
specific wars
against Berkeley in Virginia,
by Filipinos, 406
Leisler’s Rebellion, 69–70
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 89–90
by Pueblo Indians (1598),
Stono Rebellion, 47
Revolution. See also American
rationales for, 167–168
Rhode Island
in Dominion of New
England, 62
King Philip’s War and, 37
Richmond, Virginia, destruction
of, 291 (i)
Ridge, Tom, 506
in Civil Rights Act of 1964,
French Revolution and,
gender, 482–483
after independence, 116
for women, 184–185

Rights-based government,
Rights of man, Puritans and, 83
Right wing (political). See
Conservatives; New Right
Riis, Jacob, “How the Other
Half Lives” (1890), 319,
319–320 (i)
Riordan, William, 336
Rischin, Moses, 339
Robinson, Harriet, Loom and
Spindle: or, Life among the
Early Mill Girls (1898),
Rogers, Daniel T., 426
Rolfe, John, “Letter on Jamestown
Settlement” (1618), 31
Roman Catholic Church, Paul III
papal bull and, 12
Romantic painters, European,
185, 186 (i)
Roosevelt, Franklin D. See also
New Deal
death of, 429
foreign involvement by, 406
“Message to Congress on
Making the Civilian
Conservation Corps
a Permanent Agency”
(1937), 374–375
New Deal of, 362
“State of the Union Address”
(1944), 419–420
“Rosie the Riveter” (Office of War
Information, 1943), 416,
417 (i)
Royal African Company, charter
of (1662), 61
Rubenstein, Kathy, 486
“Ruins of Richmond” (1865),
291, 292 (i)
“Ruins of the Pueblo Town of
Cicuique” (New Mexico,
16th century), 5, 5 (i)
Russia. See also Soviet Union
Bolshevik Revolution in
(1917), 396–397

Saddam Hussein, 507
Sage, Russel, 316 (i)
Saint Domingue (Haiti), slavery
abolished in, 136–137
St. James Anglican Church,
interior of (1711–1719),
76, 76 (i)

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