Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

546 Index Index 547

Sphere of influence, of United
States, 408
Spoils system, 347, 348 (i)
“Spot Resolutions” (Lincoln,
1847), 238–239
St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
“Reaction to African
American Agricultural
Activism” (1889),
Stalin, Joseph, 429
“Stamp Act” (March 22, 1765),
Henry, Patrick, and, 91–92
as revenue source, 86, 90–91
text of, 90–91
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady,
“Declaration of
Sentiments and
Resolutions” (1848),
Northwest Ordinance (1787)
and, 154
powers of, 170
Statehood, for Missouri, 216
State of Tennessee v. John Thomas
Scopes, 386
“State of the Union Address”
(Roosevelt, F. D., 1944),
States’ rights
Calhoun on, 172–173
Jeffersonian Republicans on,
Steal This Book (Hoffman, 1970),
Steel industry, Carnegie and,
313, 351
Steffens, Lincoln, “Shame of
the Cities, The” (1904),
Stonewall Inn riots, 462–463
Stono Rebellion, 47
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle
Tom’s Cabin (1852),
Streetcars, in Chicago, 384 (i)
Strikes. See also Labor
in Massachusetts, 354–355
Pullman (1894), 363–364
by United Farm Workers,
Stuart, Reginald, “Michigan
Requests Federal Loan to

Bolster Unemployment
Fund” (New York Times,
1980), 493–494
Student(s), antiwar movement of,
Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee
(SNCC), 460
Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS), 451–452
“Port Huron Statement”
(1962), 451–452
Weathermen and, 464
“Study of Assassination, A” (CIA,
1953), 434
“Study of Negro Employees
of Apartment Houses
in New York City, A”
(Washington, 1916),
Subordinated thesis statement,
79–82, 111–114, 143–144,
272, 303–304, 379
Suffrage. See also Voting and
voting rights
for women, 345, 346–347
Sugar industry, in Barbados,
44 (i)
Sullivan, John, 103
Summary, 13, 55, 82, 162, 206,
207, 208, 209, 303
Superpowers, 406, 428
Support statements, 11, 190
Supreme Court, Dred Scott
decision and, 261
Synthesis, 186–187, 189, 205, 209,
226–228, 245–246, 270–
271, 298, 300, 301, 339,
340–342, 421, 423, 445,
446, 483–484, 502–503

Tammany Hall, 197, 336
Taney, Roger B., Dred Scott v.
Sandford (1857), 261
Tarbell, Ida M., Business of Being
a Woman, The (1921),
Task, 23, 52, 53, 80, 81, 112, 143,
164, 248, 325, 421, 422,
423, 485
English, 86
Shays’ rebellion and, 151–152
Stamp Act and, 90–91
Townshend Duties as, 92–93

Taylor, James E., 269
“Cause of the Rebellion, The,”
269 (i)
in 19th century, 192
environment and, 479
Temperance, American
Temperance Society and,
of September 11, 2001, 491,
by Weathermen, 464
“Testimony before the House
Committee on Military
Affairs” (Delano, 1874),
“Testimony before the House
Un-American Activities
Committee” (Seeger,
1955), 435–436
“Testimony in the Trial of
the British Soldiers of the
Nineteenth Regiment of
Foot” (1770), 93–95
annexation of, 224–225
Polk on, 237
“Texas Declaration of
Independence” (1836),
Textile mills
Boston Manufacturing
Company and, 200
factory girls in, 198–199
Thematic issues, 9, 16, 334, 340,
421, 458
Themes, 9–10, 16, 117, 187, 188,
205, 340–342, 380, 402,
423–424, 445–446, 485,
Thesis statement, 23–25, 50,
52–54, 79–82, 111–114,
162, 163, 188, 247, 272
They Say/I Say: Moves That
Matter in Academic
Discourse (Graff and
Rubenstein), 486
Thinking skills. See Historical
thinking skills
Thirteenth Amendment, 276
“This Is a White Man’s
Government” (Nast,
1874), 295–296, 296 (i)

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