Amateur Photographer - UK (2019-06-21)

(Antfer) #1


Greg Gorman
For more than four
decades, Greg
Gorman has been
shooting celebrity
portraits and
campaigns, while
perfecting his
fine-art photography. His work has been
exhibited in museums and galleries
around the world. Aside from his
commercial work he runs workshops
explaining how to see and use light.

Most sessions begin with the
model looking directly at the
light so he can get a feel for
the face and test a variety of
angles. As the shoot progresses,
Gorman observes any changes
through his viewfinder,
allowing him to see exactly
what the camera will capture.
Whether he’s shooting a
celebrity or a nude figure,
Gorman uses light to
emphasise form and bring out
aspects of the sitter’s character.
Using a powerful, adjustable
light source, such as the
Rotolight NEO 2, enables him
to dictate exactly where the
shadows and highlights fall,
leading to consistent, pro-spec
results. Spending most of a
portrait session experimenting
with lighting and posing a
model is never time wasted,
but when it comes to the final
few minutes Gorman stresses
that ‘pixels are free’ and you
shouldn’t be afraid of filling
that time taking pictures.

The power and
flexibility of
Rotolight LEDs
makes them ideal
for portraiture

Harder light gives definition. While
a diffuser is handy for headshots,
a harder light is ideal for creating
definition in full-length shots
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