Chronology of American Indian History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

success of the play will inspire Cody to launch his fa-
mous Wild West Show (see entry for MAY 17, 1883).

August 23

Canadian Indian leaders sign the “Medicine
Chest” Treaty.
Cree and Assiniboine leaders in what are now Al-
berta and Saskatchewan agree to Treaty Six, which
will become known as the “Medicine Chest” Treaty.
In addition to promising extra rations to relieve
famine in Indian settlements, the agreement states
that “a medicine chest will be kept at the house of
each Indian Agent for the use and benefit of all In-
dians.” In the late 1960s, the Canadian government
will agree to provide Indians with free health care
on the basis of this treaty.

September 9

American Horse dies in a parley with
U.S. troops.
Lakota Sioux war leader American Horse and his
band are set upon by U.S. troops under the com-
mand of Anson Mills while the Indians are traveling
south for the winter. In the ensuing conflict, later
named the Battle of Slim Buttes, American Horse
and 19 others are trapped in a cave. The troops are
driven off by hundreds of warriors led by Sitting
Bull and Gall, but not before American Horse is
fatally wounded by a gunshot to his stomach. The
troops possibly set out to kill American Horse be-
cause they believe (perhaps erroneously) that he had
fought in the Battle of Little Bighorn (see entry for
JUNE 25 TO 26, 1876).

This image shows a romanticized depiction of the Battle of Little Bighorn dating from 1889. (Denver Public Library,
Western History Collection, Call no. X-33633)

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