First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Planet A large, round object

that orbits a star.

Population All the people

or animals living in an area

or country.

Predator An animal that kills

other animals for food.

Reef A ridge of coral or rock just

above or below the sea’s surface.

Reflex action An automatic

movement of your body that you

can’t control.

Religion The belief in, and

worship of, a God or gods; a set of

beliefs and way of doing things.

Reproduction The process

by which animals and plants

produce young.

Reptile A cold-blooded animal

that usually lays eggs. Reptiles

have tough, scaly skin.

Reservoir A man-made or

natural lake where water is

stored for use.

Runes Viking symbols used
for writing.

Samurai An ancient
Japanese warrior.

Saurischian Lizard-hipped

Savanna Tropical grassland
with a few trees, found in east
Africa and northern South

Scavenger An animal that
rarely kills for food, but eats
animals that have already died
or been killed.

Space The large, almost
empty, places beyond the
Earth’s atmosphere.

Spectator A person who
watches an event.

Synthetic Made from man-
made materials.

Transpiration The release of
water vapour from a plant through
small holes in the leaves.

Transplant When an organ
is removed from someone’s body
because it is not working very well,
and a new one is put in its place.

Tropical The area of land and
sea on either side of the Equator.

Universe Everything! The Earth,
moon, Sun, all the planets and
all the galaxies – even those we
haven’t discovered yet.

Vaccination An injection that
contains a very weak form of the
virus or bacterium that you are
being vaccinated against.

Vertebrate An animal with
a backbone.

Virus A very tiny infectious
agent that contains DNA and
grows on living cells. Viruses cause
disease in plants and animals.

X-ray A photograph that shows
the inside of your body.


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