First Children Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”?

People and society

Theatre began thousands of years ago in

ancient Greece. Actors and dancers put

on shows to entertain and inform people.

Musical theatre

Going to the theatre to see
a musical is a special treat.
Musicals are an exciting
mixture of acting, dancing,
and song. This is a scene
from the musical “Oliver!”.

Actors and acting

Putting on a play is a long task.

First, the playwright writes the play.

Then actors bring the story and the

characters in the play to life. They

also have to remember their words!

Costumes help
to show when
and where the
play’s action
is happening.

These actors are playing
two characters called
Romeo and Juliet.

Actors use their body,
as well as the words, to
create a character and
perform the scenes.

Theatre and dance
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