Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

correct sentences. Still, precision is key when you’re dealing with pronouns. See what you can do with
these sentences. Circle the potentially imprecise pronouns and rewrite the sentences. Answers can be
found on this page.

i. Certain  dialects    have    obvious sources,    but that    doesn’t make    it  any easier  to  understand.
ii. Each of us speaks with an accent because of where they are from.
iii. Word choice and pronunciation it’s usually easy to hear in someone’s accent.
iv. Everyone uses some kind of dialect words in their everyday speech.
v. Movies, TV, the internet: it may be destroying differentiated dialects in the modern world.

Precision can show up in some other ways as well. Have a look at this question.

The Appalachian region’s     8 isolation    has led to  some    hypotheses  from    major   urban   centers
that its dialect has remained intact from the days of its earliest settlers.



B) isolation    has led to  some    hypotheses  that    its dialect from    major   urban   centers has
remained intact
C) isolation from major urban centers has led to some hypotheses that its dialect has
remained intact
D) isolation has led to some hypotheses that its dialect has remained intact from major
urban centers

Here’s How to Crack It

Check what’s changing in the answer choices. This step is crucial here because there are no obvious
grammatical errors, so the answer choices are essential to figuring out exactly what the question is asking
you to do.

In the end, the only difference among the answer choices is that the phrase from major urban centers is in
different places. In the end, we will just need to put that phrase in the most precise place, hopefully right
next to whatever it is modifying.

In this case, we can choose from among hypotheses, dialect, isolation, and intact. Which of these would
have the most precise need for the phrase from major urban centers? Because urban centers seems to
have something to do with place, we should eliminate (A), hypotheses, and (D), intact, which don’t have
anything to do with place. Then, because the passage as a whole has talked about the remoteness of the
Appalachian dialect, we can say for sure that it is not a dialect from major urban centers, eliminating
(B). All that remains, then, is (C), which completes the phrase isolation from major urban centers, which
is the most precise answer.

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