Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
2 x =   50

Divide each side of the equation by 2. Thus, x equals 25.

The skills for algebraic manipulation work just as well for more complex equations. The following
question is another example of the way the SAT may ask you to manipulate equations. Don’t panic when
you see a question like this; just use the skills you already have and work carefully so you don’t make an
avoidable mistake in your algebra.

A   Little  Terminology
Here are some words that you will need to know to understand the explanations in this chapter.
These words may even show up in the text of a question, so make sure you are familiar with them.

Term:   An  equation    is  like    a   sentence,   and a   term    is  the equivalent  of  a   word.   It  can be  just    a   number,
just a variable, or a number multiplied by a variable. For example, 18, –2x, and 5y are the terms in
the equation 18 – 2x = 5y.

Expression: If  an  equation    is  like    a   sentence,   then    an  expression  is  like    a   phrase  or  a   clause. An
expression is a combination of terms and mathematical operations with no equal or inequality sign.
For example, 9 × 2 + 3x is an expression.

Polynomial:  A   polynomial  is  any     expression  containing  two     or  more    terms.  Binomials   and
trinomials are both examples of polynomials.

10.Suppose  the evaporation rate    of  water   in  a   lake    is  given   by  the equation    E   =   

,   where   E   is  the evaporation rate    in  gallons/day,    Ta  is  the air temperature,    Td  is  the dew

point   temperature,    V   is  the volume  of  water   in  the lake,   Tw  is  the water   temperature,    and h

is  the number  of  hours   the water   is  exposed to  sunlight.   Which   of  the following   expresses

Tw  in  terms   of  Ta, Td,V,   E,  and h?

A) Tw   =   

B) Tw   =   
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