In the next paragraph he says that space is like climbing a mountain or like Rice playing Texas. I guess
he’s trying to make a joke with the audience, because Rice always loses to Texas, but that’s not a very
smart thing to compare going to space to.
Next he’s all like it will be so hard it will be to go to space. And we’ll be behind for a long time and then
ahead. Mr. Negative, right? That doesn’t make me want to do it.
Then spends a lot of time talking about business industries and money stuff. Boring.
Finally, he says we should go to the moon because it’s like trying climb a mountain. This makes no sense
because he said earlier it was like sailing, and also because why would we want to be like the guy who
died trying to climb a mountain? I guess it’s a cool idea though so we should try to do it, but he should
have just said that instead.
Reading: 4
Analysis: 2
Writing: 4
SAT Experts Say: This is very weak essay. Though the essay shows a very basic understanding of the
speech, it does not present a case, contain analysis, or respond to the prompt in any way. While the tone is
very informal and even flippant, the writing (technically speaking) is mostly error-free, which might earn
the essay a few Writing points. Overall, though, the essay is sloppy, lacks focus, and does not make any