Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


◦ The   Reading Test    on  the SAT makes   up  50  percent of  your    score   on  the Evidence-Based  Reading
and Writing section.

◦ Reading   questions   are not presented   in  order   of  difficulty, but they    are in  chronological   order.  Don’t
be afraid to skip a hard question, and don’t worry if you can’t answer every question.

◦ Use   your    POOD    to  pick    up  the points  you can get,    and don’t   forget  LOTD    on  the rest!

◦ Reading   is  an  open-book   test!   Use that    to  your    advantage   by  focusing    only    on  the text    you need    to  get
each point.

◦ Translate each    question    back    into    a   what    or  why question    before  you start   reading your    window.

◦ Use    Line    References,     Lead    Words,  and     chronology  to  help    you     find    the     answer  in  the     passage.
Always start reading a few lines above the Line Reference or the Lead Words and read until you
have the answer.

◦ Use   the text    to  predict your    answer  to  the question    before  you look    at  the answer  choices.

◦ Use   POE to  eliminate   answers that    don’t   match   your    prediction.

◦ If     you     have    more    than    one     answer  left    after   you     eliminate   anything    that    doesn’t     match   your
prediction, compare your remaining answers and see if any of them:

  • Are Mostly Right/Slightly Wrong

  • Could Be True

  • Contain Deceptive Language

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