Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A) describes    the size    of  the asteroid,   while   Passage 2   only    mentions    its impact.
B) concludes that the extinction happened before the asteroid hit, while Passage 2 says
the extinction happened after the asteroid hit.
C) explains how mammals were affected by the KT extinction, while Passage 2 does
D) contradicts the previous theory concerning the KT extinction, while Passage 2
supports it.

52 .Is the main conclusion of the study described in Passage 2 consistent with the panel’s
conclusion, as described in Passage 1?
A) Yes, since the asteroid caused earthquakes and volcano eruptions that shrouded the
earth in debris.
B) Yes, since the asteroid is considered the primary cause of the KT extinction by both
C) No, since the study in Passage 2 conveys doubt about the timing of the asteroid
D) No, since Passage 1 concludes that the asteroid impact led to the growth of mammal


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