Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Various types of microchimerisms affect humans. The common mother-Mc and fetus-Mc and the organs/presumed cell
types affected by them are shown.

43 .What    is  the rhetorical  effect  of  the opening line    of  the passage?
A) To elicit a response from the reader about his or her personal experience
B) To cast doubt on a cliché idea that is now outmoded
C) To introduce a well-known topic to which the author will add new information
D) To question the fallacy that a mother is closer to her children than a father is

44 .Which   of  the following   models  the structure   of  the author’s    argument    throughout  the
A) He outlines a common misconception, shows new evidence to the contrary, then
offers a new solution.
B) He presents his own original research, discusses his methods for acquiring it, then
critiques earlier studies.
C) He questions a new set of data, shows its inconsistencies, then offers his own new
D) He starts from a point of basic agreement, introduces new information, and
speculates about that new information.

45 .What    is  the primary purpose of  the passage?
A) To explain how, while we each have a unique genetic code, cells from other unique
individuals may live inside our bodies
B) To suggest that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by cells with “Y” chromosomes
C) To illustrate the difficulty of drawing conclusions from scientific research
D) To show how the common conception of the bond between mothers and children is

46 .As  used    in  line    22, “autonomous”    most    nearly  means
A) self-governing.
B) reliant.
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