Cracking The SAT Premium

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Section 1: Reading

1. B The    passage does    not criticize   readers for their   reading choices;    in  fact,   the author  states  in
lines 84–85 that readers read Wheatley’s poems frequently. Eliminate (A). The passage
describes both the biographical details and complications of Wheatley’s life in lines 16–36,
and Wheatley’s work and its complications in lines 70–83, which supports (B). Although
the passage does mention the work of other African American authors in lines 1–15, those
works are not the primary purpose of the passage. Eliminate (C). While the passage
mentions good deeds performed by John Wheatley lines 37–47, he is not discussed
throughout. Eliminate (D).

2. C The    passage states  that    Wheatley    was freed   in  lines   58–59,  so  (A) is  incorrect.  While   the
passage does mention that the Wheatley family allowed Wheatley to focus on her studies in
lines 37–47, it goes on to discuss many hardships that Wheatley faced in lines 57–69, so it
is not accurate to describe her life in only positive terms. Therefore, (B) is not correct. The
passage describes Wheatley’s poetic achievements as impressive in lines 48–56, but also
points out aspects of Wheatley’s life that are complicated and not positive in lines 57–69.
This evidence best supports (C). Although the passage states that Wheatley did not view her
enslavement negatively in lines 71–83, it does not suggest that Wheatley did not think
carefully about her opinions about her enslavement. Choice (D) is incorrect.

3. C The     correct     answer  for     question    2   describes   Wheatley’s  life    as impressive   but     with
troubling or confusing aspects. Although (A) refers to unhappy events from Wheatley’s
life, it does not indicate that her life was impressive. Eliminate (A). Choice (B) describes
Wheatley’s impressive literary achievements, but it does not describe aspects of her life
that are troubling or confusing, so (B) is incorrect. Choice (C) alludes to the impressive
aspects of Wheatley’s life, namely, her literary success and eventual freedom. It also
describes the more troubling aspects of her life like her poverty and struggles with racism
and sexism. Therefore, (C) provides support for (C) in question 2. Choice (D) describes
Wheatley’s literary importance but does not give details about her life, so (D) is incorrect.

4. D While  the passage states  that    Wheatley    was sold    to  a   wealthy family  from    Massachusetts   in
lines 22–24, it does not suggest that Wheatley gained any literary connections through the
family, so (A) is incorrect. The passage does not make reference to Wheatley’s level of
fame in Europe, so (B) is incorrect. In lines 84–85, the passage states that Wheatley’s
popularity is even greater today than it was before, so (C) is also incorrect. The passage
lists prominent people who admired Wheatley’s work in lines 48–56, and then goes on to
describe aspects of Wheatley’s life that were difficult despite her literary popularity in
lines 57–69. Therefore, (D) is the correct answer.

5. D The    correct answer  for question    4   notes   that    despite being   admired by  prominent   people,
Wheatley still had a difficult life. Choice (A) mentions the current popularity of
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