AP Physics C 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Take a Diagnostic Test

Summary: Assess your strengths and weaknesses by answering some sample questions and then reading the answers and explanations, so
you’ll know where to focus your efforts when preparing for the exam.

Diagnostic Test


1   . Which of  the following   must    be  true    of  an  object  that    is  slowing down?
(A) Its acceleration must be negative.
(B) Its velocity must be smaller than its acceleration.
(C) It must experience more than one force.
(D) Its acceleration and its velocity must be in opposite directions.
(E) Its velocity must be negative.

2   . A baseball    is  thrown  straight    up. It  reaches a   peak    height  of  15  m,  measured    from    the ground, in  a   time
of 1.7 s. Treating “up” as the positive direction, what is the acceleration of the ball when it reaches its
peak height?

(A) 0   m/s^2
(B) +8.8 m/s^2
(C) −8.8 m/s^2
(D) +9.8 m/s^2
(E) −9.8 m/s^2

Newton’s laws

3   . What  is  the vertical    component   of  F   1    in the above   diagram?
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