AP Physics C 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

25 . A circular loop of wire in the plane of the page is placed in a magnetic field pointing into the page, as
shown above. Which of the following will NOT induce a current in the loop?
(A) moving the wire to the right in the plane of the page
(B) increasing the area of the loop
(C) increasing the strength of the magnetic field
(D) rotating the wire about a diameter
(E) turning the magnetic field off


Answers and Explanations

1   .   D   —Choices    A   and E   don’t   make    sense   because the direction   of  an  object’s    acceleration    or  velocity
is essentially arbitrary—when solving a problem, you can usually pick the “positive” direction based
on convenience. So neither value must be negative. We can rule out choice B because we know that a
fast moving object can slow down very gradually. And there’s no reason why you need multiple forces
to make an object slow down, so that gets rid of choice C.

2   .   E   —When   an  object  is  thrown  in  the absence of  air resistance  near    the surface of  the Earth,  its
acceleration in the vertical direction is always g , the acceleration due to gravity, which has a
magnitude of 9.8 m/s^2 . The acceleration due to gravity is directed down, toward the Earth. So the
ball’s acceleration is −9.8 m/s^2 .

3   .   D   —The    vertical    component   of  a   vector  is  the magnitude   of  the vector  times   the sine    of  the angle
measured to the horizontal; in this case, F 1 sin θ .

4   .   D   —Something  that    moves   in  a   straight    line    at  constant    speed   is  in  equilibrium.    So, the sum of  left
forces has to equal the sum of right forces.

5   .   C   —On an  incline,    the weight  vector  parallel    to  the plane   goes    with    the sine    of  the plane’s angle.  g sin
40° is an acceleration, not a weight.

6   .   E   —Because    the weight  is  the only    force   acting  parallel    to  the plane,  mg sin  40° =   ma  ,   so  a = g sin
40°. This acceleration is down the plane, in the direction of the net force. Yes, the block is moving up
the plane, but the block is slowing down, and so the acceleration must be in the opposite direction
from the velocity.

7   .   D   —All    forms   of  energy  are scalar  quantities: potential   energy, kinetic energy, work,   internal    energy
of a gas. Energy doesn’t have direction.
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