AP Physics C 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Memorizing Equations in the Shower

Summary: Learn how to memorize all the equations you absolutely need to know to ace the AP Physics exam.

Key Ideas
Learn why memorizing equations is so critical.
Learn equations by using them: practice solving problems without looking up the equations you need.
Use mnemonic devices to help you remember.
Practice speed: see how many equations you can say in four minutes.
Use visual reminders: put a copy of the equation sheet somewhere you’ll see it often.

Can You Ace This Quiz?

Instructions: We’ll give you a prompt, you tell us the equation. Once you’ve finished, check your answers
with the key at the end of this chapter.

1 . Coefficient of friction in terms of Ff
2 . Momentum
3 . Two equations for impulse
4 . Two equations for mechanical power
5 . Two equations for work
6 . Period of a mass on a spring
7 . Three kinematics equations for constant acceleration
8 . Centripetal acceleration
9 . Kinetic energy
10 . Gravitational force of one planet on another
11 . Ohm’s Law
12 . Power in a circuit
13 . Magnetic force on a charge

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