AP Physics C 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Tip 4: Put  a   copy    of  the equations   sheet   somewhere   visible.

See how the equations sheet looks next to your bathroom mirror. Or in your shower (laminated, of
course). Or taped to your door. Or hung from your ceiling. You’d be surprised how much sparkle it can
add to your décor. You’d also be surprised how easy it will be to memorize equations if you are
constantly looking at the equations sheet.
So what are you waiting for? Start memorizing!

Answer Key to Practice Quiz

1 .

2   . p =   mv
3 . I = Δp and I = F Δt

4   .

5 . W = Fd and W (^) net = ΔKE

6 .

7 .

8 .

9   . KE    =   ½mv     2

10 .

11 . V = IR

12 . P = IV

13 . F = qvB sin θ

14 . F = ILB sin θ

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