Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure  2

Figure  3

  1. Based on the results from Study 1, the largest percentage of moths in City Y and City Z had a color intensity of:

                    City    Y           City    Z

A. 8                                            1
B. 8 5
C. 9 4
D. 9 5

  1. During which of the following years was birch bark most likely to be thickest in City Y ?

F. 2000
G. 2001
H. 2002
J. 2003

  1. How was Study 1 different from Study 2 ?

A. B.   betularia   f.  carbonaria  moths   were    captured    in  Study   1   but not in  Study   2.
B. B. betularia f. typica moths were captured in Study 1 but not in Study 2.
C. The moth body coloration was measured in Study 1 but not in Study 2.
D. The moth body coloration was measured in Study 2 but not in Study 1.

  1. The scientists most likely labeled the moths in Study 1 to:

F. determine    how body    coloration  was affected    by  pollution   in  City    X.
G. determine the average wingspan of each population of moths.
H. make sure that the body coloration of each moth was measured only once.
J. make sure that the body coloration of each moth was measured multiple times.
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