Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
H. = 19 −

J. = − 19

K. = − 19

7. If   12(y    −   3)  =   −7, then    y   =   ?






8. At   a   department  store,  purses  sell    for $12 each    during  a   one-day sale.   Rita    spent   $84 on  purses  during  the sale,   $38.50  less    than    if  she
had bought the purses at the regular price. How much do purses cost at the regular price?

F.  $       5.50
G. $15.50
H. $16.00
J. $17.50
K. $20.00

9. (2a  −   5b^2 )(2a   +   5b^2 )  =

A. 4 a^2    −   25b^4
B. 4 a^2 − 10b^4
C. 4 a^2 + 25b^4
D. 2 a^2 − 25b^4
E. 2 a^2 − 10b^4

  1. A rectangle’s perimeter is 18 feet, and its area is 18 square feet. What is the length of the longest side of the rectangle?

F. 10
G. 8
H. 6
J. 3
K. 2

11. In  ΔXYZ,    X  is  64°.    What    is  the sum of   Y  and  Z  ?

A.      26°
B. 64°
C. 116°
D. 126°
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