Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
8 . H The distance formula is d = r × t. Plug in the information you have to get 100 = r × 1.

Divide both sides by 1 to solve, r = 75. Choice (G) incorrectly multiplies 100 by only.

Choice (K) incorrectly multiplies 100 by 1.

9 . E Begin by discarding the lowest performance review value, 22. Add the others, 26 + 35 + 43

+ 23 + 31 = 158, then divide by the number of values, 5, to get the average, 158 ÷ 5 = 31.6.

Choice (A) discards the highest value. Choice (B) averages all 6 performance review values

without discarding any. Choice (C) is the median of the five remaining numbers, not the

average. Choice (D) discards 23 instead of the lowest 22.

10 . H Multiply both sides of the equation by p to get 3x = pq, then divide both sides by 3 to get x =


11 . C Start by solving for x. Add 16 to both sides to get 3x = 21, then divide both sides by 3 to get

x = 7. Plug 7 in for x in the expression 5x to get 5 × 7 = 35. Choice (A) gives the value of x,

but the problem asks for the value of 5 x.

12 . H The formula for the area of a square is A = s^2 . Plug 25 in for A to get 25 = s^2 . Take the square


of each side to get s = 5. The perimeter of a square is P = 4s, so plug 5 in for s to get 4 × 5 =

20. Choice (F) is the length of one side. Choice (G) is s × 2. Choice (J) is the area.

13 . B Start by expanding out the expression 3.22 × 10^4 to get 32,220. Since “of” means “times”,

multiply 32,220 by 11%, or .11, to find .11 × 32,220 = 3,542. Choice (A) takes 322 × 10^4 ,

leaving out the decimal point. Choice (C) multiplies 322 by .11.

14 . H To factor x^2 + 3x − 18, find two numbers that multiply to −18 and add to 3. Those numbers

are 6 and −3. The factored expression is (x + 6)(x − 3). If you chose (F) or (G), you may

have reversed the negative signs.

15 . C In order to make this problem easier to handle, start by making all the inequalities “less than”

signs. You have v < w, x < y, y < v, and w < z. Then order the expressions to get x < y, y < v,

v < w, w < z, where x is the smallest, so (C) is the correct answer.

16 . G Plug the numbers given into the definition of the function, w = 3, x = 2, y = 5, and z = 0. (3 × 0

− 5 × 2)(3 × 2 + 5 × 0) = (0 − 10)(6 + 0) = (−10)(6) = −60. Choice (K) misses the negative

sign. Choice (J) is the value of the second set of parentheses only. Note: This problem may
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