Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure 1. According to the passage, all readings are taken at atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa,

so you can disregard that part of the question. The melting point of the solution seems to be

lowest around 70% EG. The closest of the answers is (B), 68%.

2 . H Use Figure 1. According to the passage, all readings are taking at atmospheric pressure 101.3

kPa, so you can disregard that part of the question. According to Figure 1, at 60% EG, the

melting point is roughly −48°C, as in (H).

3 . A The substance that will behave most like pure water and boil at the same temperature would

be pure water itself. Choice (A), 0% EG, would mean a solution of no ethylene glycol and

all water. Increasing the % EG, as in (B), (C), and (D), and therefore decreasing the

percentage of water, would make the solution behave less like water.

4 . F This question requires a bit of outside knowledge: “density” and “mass per unit length” are

one in the same. Therefore, you can use Figure 3 to answer this question even though the

word “density” does not appear explicitly in this question. According to the passage, all

density readings are taken at a temperature of 25°C, so you can disregard that temperature

and just look at the graph. According to this graph, as % EG increases, the density steadily

increases as well. The best answer, therefore, comes from (F).

5 . B According to Figure 2, a substance with a density of 1.09 g/mL has 40% EG. Use this EG

value on Figure 3. According to Figure 3, a substance with 40% EG has a boiling point of

approximately 104°C. Only (B) works.

Passage VIII

1 . D The axes given in Figure 3 are “crystal mass (g)” and “crystal volume (cm^3 ).” According to

the key, different levels of radiation were measured. Nowhere in any of these axes or curves

do we have any indication of the number of crystals measured. Without this information, and

without any relevant information in the introduction, we can’t determine how many crystals

were measured, making (D) the only possible answer.

2 . G Although this question does not mention one specific figure, look at the variables to be

compared. We’ll need to make a prediction about volume based on radiation level. The only

one of the three figures that compares these two variables is Figure 1. According to the

information in Study 1, these readings were taken after a period of 7 days, so we can

disregard that bit of information from the question. Now, the question asks about BGO (II),

which is represented on Figure 1 by the darker of the two bars. According to the figure, as

radiation level increases, crystal volume increases. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that

the volume of a crystal with a radiation level of 300 rads will be greater than that of a crystal
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