A Short History of the Middle Ages Fourth Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


2.1: Muhammad’s Relatives and Successors to 750

2.2: The Merovingians

3.1: The Carolingians

4.1: Alfred and His Progeny

4.2: The Ottonians

5.1: The Early Seljuks

5.2: The Comnenian Dynasty

5.3: The Salian Kings and Emperors

5.4: The Capetian Kings of France

6.1: The Norman and Angevin Kings of England

6.2: Rulers of Germany and Sicily

8.1: Kings of France and England and the Dukes of Burgundy during the

Hundred Years’ War

8.2: York and Lancastrian (Tudor) Kings

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