1519) numerous commissions, including painting The Last Supper (see Plate 8.6 on
pp. 312–13) on one of the walls of the dining hall of a Dominican convent. Here
Leonardo demonstrated his mastery of the relatively new science of linear
perspective: the hall sheltering Christ and his disciples seems to recede as its walls
approach a vanishing point. On the opposite side of the hall, Leonardo added a fresco
(now nearly obliterated) of his patron: Ludovico, his wife, and their two children
kneeling before an image of the Crucifixion.
Plate 8.6: Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper (1494–1497). Leonardo first made his reputation with this
painting, which evokes the precise moment when Christ said to his feasting apostles, “One of you is about
to betray me.” All the apostles react with horror and surprise, but the guilty Judas recoils, his face in
shadows. Compare this depiction with the same moment in the Romanesque painting of Plate 5.4 on p. 183.