Figure 13.5 A Folk Taxonomy of Chamula Verbal Behavior. After Gary H. Gossen, “Tzotzil
Literature,” in The Handbook of Middle American Indians Supplement, Volume 3: Literatures,volume
editor Munro S. Edmonson, general editor Victoria R. Bricker. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press,
1985, p. 81.
With your fireworks,
With your hand cannons.
Your children are gathered together,
Your offspring are gathered together,
For you to see,
For you to witness.
Great San Juan,
Great Patron.
Now you are to be delivered at my feet.
Now you are to be entrusted to my hands.
Now I am your new servant;
Now I am your new attendant.
- lo^il k'op 'ordinary speech' or
'conversational speech'- sk'op kirsano
'people's speech'
2. pum k'op
'pure speech' or 'true speech'
3. ntivo k'opetik
'ancient words': associated
with distant time-space
coordinates; First,and Third creations Second,
4. hai 7 7 antivo k'op 'true
ancient narrative': true
accounts of the distant past, including 'our' categories of
myth, legend, and tale
4. resal (from Sp. rezar 'to
pray') 'prayer'all ritual formulae directly : includes
addressed to supernaturals
4. rios {from Sp. dios 'God')
'ritual speech'; includes all
ritual formulaespecifically to supernaturals not directed
4. k'ehoh 'song': includes drum, fiute, and rattle music;
also harp and guitar music;
includes words and/or music
- sk'op kirsano
- ?ac' k'opetik
'new or recent words':
associated with close time-
space coordinates; Fourth Creation - Jbaq! 7 ?ac' k'op
'true recent narrative':
folk history, gossip, tales, genealogies, other accounts
of the recent past - ?istol k'op 'frivolous
language': jokes, untrue
narratives, puns, verbal
dueling, proverbs, riddles - tahimol 'games':
traditional games, including
verbal games and also verbal formulae which accompany
other games
2.yo^nton yu^un li kirsanoe k'op sventa sk'isnah
'speech for people whose
hearts are heated'
- k'op sventa tahimol
h^olol 'children's
improvised games' - k'ehoh sventa h^olol
'children's improvised
songs' \ I - k'op sventa cavilto
'court speech' i - k'op sventa h^opisialetik
'political oratory^1 i - k'op sventa copol \
kirsano 'angry, emotional,
or bad speech, or (LIT)
'speech for bad people'
Increasing heat, formalism, redundancy, and invariance
Exegesis: fa sk'opoh no?osli
kirsanoe 'the people simply
Exegesis: ta Slok' ta yo?nton
huhune 'it comes from the
heart of each one'
Exegesis: mu sna? she! sbaik 'they do not know how to change
a sk'opoha sk'opoh