xanathars guide to everything

(Jeff_L) #1
A complex trap poses multiple dangers to adventurers.
After a complex trap activates, it remains dangerous
round after round until the characters avoid it or disable
it. Some complex traps become more dangerous over
time, as they accumulate power or gain speed.
Complex traps are a lso more difficult to disable than
simple ones. A single check is not enough. Instead, a se-
ries of checks is required to s lowly disengage the trap's
components. The trap's effect degrades with each suc-
cessful check until the characters finally deactivate it.
Most complex traps are designed so that they can be
disarmed only by someone who is exposed to the trap's
effect. For example, the mechanism that controls a hall-
way filled with scything blades is on the opposite end
from the entrance, or a statue that bathes an area in ne-
crotic energy can be disabled only by someone standing
in the affected area.

A complex trap has all the elements of a simple trap,
plus special characteristics that make the trap a more
dynamic threat.
Level and Threat. A complex trap uses the same level
and severity designations that a simple trap does.
Trigger. Just like a simple trap, a complex trap has a
trigger. Some complex traps have multiple triggers.
Initiative. A complex trap takes turns as a creature
does, because it functions over a period of time. Thjs
part of a trap's description tells whether the trap is slow
(acts on initiative count 10), fast (acts on initiative count
20), or very fast (acts on initiative count 20 and also ini-
tiative count 10). A trap always acts after creatures that
have the same initiative count.
Active Elements. On a trap's turn, it produces specific
effects that are detailed in this part of its description.
The trap might have multiple active e lements, a table
you roll on to determine its effect at random, or options
for you to choose from.
Dynamic Elements. A dynamic element is a threat
that arises or evolves while the trap functions. Usually,
changes involving dramatic elements take effect at the
end of each of the trap's turns or in response to the char-
acters' actions.
Constant Elements. A complex trap poses a threat
even when it is not taking its turn. The constant e le-
ments describe how these parts of the trap function.
Most make an attack or force a saving throw against any
c reature that ends its turn within a certain area.
Countermeasures. A trap can be defeated in a variety
of ways. A trap's description details the checks or spells
that can detect or dfaable it. It also specifies what hap-
pens, if anything, on a failed attempt to disable it.
Disabling a complex trap is like disarming a simple
trap, except that a complex trap requires more checks.
It typically takes three successful checks to disable
one of a complex trap's elements. Many of these traps
have multiple elements, requiring a lot of work to shut
down every part of the trap. Usually, a successful check
reduces a trap e lement's effectiveness even if it doesn't
disable the trap.


A complex trap functions in play much like a legendary
monster. When it is activated, the trap's active elements
act according to its initiative. On each of its initiative
counts, after all creatures with that same initiative count
have acted, the trap's features activate. Apply the effects
detailed in the trap's description.
After resolving the effects of the trap's active elements,
check its dynamic elements to see if anytrung changes
about the trap. Many complex traps have effects that
vary during an encounter. A m agical aura might do more
damage the longer it is acti ve, or a swinging blade might
change which area of a chamber it attacks.
The trap's constant elements allow it to have effects
when it isn't the trap's turn. At the end of each creature's
turn, look at the trap's constant elements to see if any of
their effects are triggered.

Overcoming a complex trap merits an experience point
award, depending on the danger it poses.judging
whether a party has overcome a trap requires some
amount of adjudication. As a rule of thumb, if the char-
acters disable a complex trap or are exposed to its ef-
fects and survive, award them experience points for the
effort according to the table below.

Trap Level
1 7-20

Experience Points
11 ,100
21 ,500

The following complex traps can be used to challenge
characters or to inspire your own creations.

Complex trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
Hidden within a buried pyramid that marks the location
of the Lost City of Cynidicea is the tomb of King Alexan-
der and Queen Zenobia. The entrance to their tomb is a
long hallway riddled with traps, accessible only by cun-
ningly hidden secret doors. The hallway is 20 feet wide
and 160 feet long. It is mostly clear. After 80 feet, the
floor is broken and cracked, becoming difficult terrain
until the 130 -foot mark.
Trigger. This trap activates as soon as a non-undead
c reature enters the hallway, and it remains active while
any non-undead creature is within the hall.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20 and ini-
tiative count 10.
Active Elements. The Path of Blades includes a set of
whirling blades along the first 80 feet of the trap, crush-
ing pillars that slam down from the ceiling to the floor
before rising back up to the ceiling in the next 50 feet,
and a rune of fear in its final 30 feet.
Whirling Blades (Initiative 20). The blades attack
each creature in the first 80 feet of the hallway, with
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