mordenkainens tome of foes

(Jeff_L) #1



It's easy to spot the giff in a room: a group
of 7-foot-tall,

humanoids attired in gaudy mil-

itary uniforms, with
gleaming pistols and muskets on

display. These
spacefaring mercenaries are renowned

for their martial training and their
love of explosives.

Military Organiz ation. Every
aspect of giff society is

along military lines. From birth until death

every giff
has a military rank. It must follow orders

those of superior rank, and it
can give orders to those

of lower rank. Promotions
don't depend on age but are

granted by a superior as
a reward for valor. Giff are de-

d to their children, even as most of their
education is

toward fighting and war.

Mercenaries Extraordinaire. Giff are in
high demand

as warriors for hire,
but they insis t on serving in units

composed entirely
of giff; a giff hiring itself out individu-

ally is unheard of. Giff refuse to fight other
giff, and will

never agree to a contract unless it stipulates
that they

can sit out a battle rather than wage
war against their

kin. A giff prizes
the reputation of its unit above its own

life. Life is fle
eting, but the regiment endures for ge ne

tions or even centuries.

A Whiff o f Gunpowder. Musk
ets and grenades are the

favorite weapons of every giff.
The bigger the boom, the

the flash, and the thicker the smoke it produces

the m
ore giff love a weapon. Their skill with gu npowder

is another
reason for their popularity as mercenaries.

Giff revel in the challenge
of building a bomb big enough

to level a fortification.
They gladly accept payment

in kegs of gunpowder
in preference to gold, gems, or

other currency.

No Honor in Magic. Some giff become
wizards, cler-

ics, and other kinds of spellcasters, but
they're so infre-

quent that most
giff mercenary units have no magical ca-

pability. Typical
giff are as smart a s the average human

but their focus on military training
to the exclusion of all

other areas of study can make them
seem dull-witted to

those who have more varied int


Aside from their personal gunpowder
weapons, giff ships

and mercenary companies
carry spare gunpowder in kegs.

In an emergency, or any
time a large explosion is needed,

a whole keg can be detonated.
A giff lights the fuse on the

keg and can then throw the keg up to l S
feet as part of

the same action. The keg explodes at
the start of the giff's

next turn. Each creature within 20
feet of the exploding keg

must make a DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw. O n a failed

save, a creature takes 24
(7d6) fire damage and is knocked

prone. On a successful s ave, a creature takes
half as much

damage and isn't knocked prone.

Every other keg of gunpowder within
20 feet of an ex·

ploding keg has a SO percent chance
of also exploding.

Check each
keg only once per turn, no matter how many

kegs explode around it.


Medium humanoid,
lawful neutral

Armor Class
16 (breastplate)

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)

Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4)


14 (+2)


17 (+3)

Senses passive Perception 11


Challe nge
3 (700 XP)


11 (+O)


12 (+l )


12 (+l )

Head.first Charge. The giff
can try to knock a creat ure over;

if the giff moves at least
20 feet in a straight line that ends

within 5 feet of a Large or smalle r creature, th
at creature must

succeed on a DC 14
Strength saving throw or take 7 (2d6) blud-

geoning damage and be knocked prone.

Knowledge. The giff's mastery of its weapons

it to ignore the loading property of muskets and


Multiattack. The giff makes two pistol attack

ord. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one tar·

get. Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) slashing
damage, or 9 (ldlO + 4) slashing

damage if used with two

Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4
to hit, range 40/120 ft., one

Hit: 7 (1dl2 + 2) piercing damage.

Pistol. Ranged Weap
on Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one

target. Hit: 7 (ldlO + 2) piercing damage.

Fragmentation Crenade (1/day). The giff throws
a grenade up

to 60 feet. Each creature within 20 feet of the
grenade's detona-

tion must make a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (Sd6)

piercing damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a

successful one
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