THENESTCAMIQ (Shopper363), with its 4K
sensor and facial recognition, proved to be
the best-quality and smartest security camera
we’d ever tested at the time.The Nest Cam IQ
Outdoor sees the company back with more of
the same,this time in aweatherproofmodel.
Nest joined the outdoor security market
with the rather neat Nest Cam Outdoor,which
was the easiest external camera we’d ever
installed. Thanks to its magnetic mount and
use of an outdoor power socket, it could be
installed in amatter of minutes; unfortunately,
this also made it easier to tamper with.
With the Cam IQ Outdoor,Nest has made the
model harder forthieves to remove,but also
slightly trickier to install. Now the camera has
to be powered by the internal USB Type-C
power adaptor,which means drilling ahole
through your wall. Formaximum security,
you can feed the 7.5m cable through the
rear of the camera’s mount, leaving nothing
visible from the outside.
The alternative is that you can run the
USB cable outside forabit, although this
means that someone could more easily cut
the power to it.
With the Nest Cam IQ Outdoor,ahex key
must be used to remove the camera from its
mount; this kind of tampering is going to be
noticed and recorded on video.
Although the body of the camera is IP66
rated, making it water-resistant and capable
of operating in temperatures from –40°C to
45°C, the internals are the same as those of
the Nest Cam IQ.
That means that you get a4Ksensor.
Although video is recorded in 1080p,having a
4K sensor has two main advantages. First, the
video quality should be better,asmore detail
is captured. Second, you get a4xzoom into
a1080p picture.Nest uses that with its
Supersight tech, which automatically zooms
in and tracks suspicious activity.
Cleverly,the camera captures both the
zoomed-in view and the full image,soyou
can switch between the detail and the full
picture.Aswith the Nest Cam IQ,the
Outdoor version handles this brilliantly,
creating adynamic image that lets you see
exactly what’s going on.
Video quality is outstanding, too. Thanks
to HDR and that 4K sensor,there’s ahuge
amount of detail in the picture,making this
by farthe best-quality outdoor camera that
we’ve tested.
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At night, the Nest Cam IQ
Outdoor switches on its IR
LEDs to light up the night.
There’s aslight reduction in
visual range,and the image
gets alittle softer, but quality
and sharpness is still better
than with rival 1080p models.
Buy aNest Aware subscription and you
get additional features, including the ability
to createmotion zones and Google’s facial
recognition tech to distinguish friend from
foe. Faces that you recognise can be marked
as such, adding aname to the person, and
faces already recognised with the Nest Cam
IQ can be carried over as well.
With this information, the Nest Cam IQ
Outdoor can send you notifications that
specify if aknown or unknown person is
spotted; there’s acatch-all person alert, too,
forwhen no face is detected.
Facial recognition is very powerful, picking
us up from avariety of angles with and
without glasses on. The more the camera
spots you, the better it works. But Nest Aware
can and will get it wrong, such as by detecting
aknown face as anew person. More often at
night, the camera can struggle to pick out
faces, generating aperson alert.
Nest has improved the detection alert
settings. Now,with aNest Aware subscription,
foreach activity zone that you set to monitor,
you can choose the type of alerts that you
want: people and general motion. That way,
you can narrow down the number of alerts
you get. It’s ashame,however,that you can’t
choose to be warned only about strangers,
ignoring recognised people.
To give the camera its credit, motion
detection is spot on, avoiding false positives
when it spots general movement (such as
foliage blowing in the wind) and accurately
picking up people.
There’s also sound detection built in, and
you can set the camera to listen out forany
combination of general noise,people talking
and dogs barking. Again, this is impressive,
and we weren’t flooded with false alerts.
Nest Aware used to be expensive,but the
entry-level subscription now gives you five
days of constant video recording for£4a
month, or £40 ayear.That’s more than
enough formost people.Unfortunately,ifyou
try to get by without asubscription, you’ll
only be able to watch footage from the past
three hours in the app,soyou’ll need to be
quick if you do catch acrime on camera.
Still, Nest Aware is the best cloud service
we’ve tested, with the app letting you
effortlessly scroll through your video history,
or find aspecific alert using the alert view.
The Nest Cam IQ Outdoor is undoubtedly
expensive,but it’s also the best-quality
external security camera we’ve tested. With
the new cheaper Nest Aware subscription,
it’s an easy camera to recommend.
The NestCam IQ Outdoor is undoubtedly expensive, but it’s
also the best-qualityexternal securitycamerawe’vetested