at this by referring to atransistor that
can normally be on or off,representing
0or1inacomputer’s binary language,
and suggested that, once we get to
sub-atomic particles, all this changes
due to the possibility of superposition.
Certainly we could use asingle
electron as acomputing bit, using the
spin-up and spin-down states to
represent 0or1,but it doesn’t end
there.Ifthat electron was put intoa
stateofsuperposition, it could
represent both 0and 1atthe same
time.What’s more,ifanoperation was
carried out on that bit, the operation
would work on its two values
simultaneously.And it gets better as
you add more bits, or qubits as we
should call them, this being shorthand
forquantum bit. If we have two qubits,
theycould hold the four values of 00,
01, 10 and 11 simultaneously,and
moving forward, the number of
superposed states doubles with every
additional qubit. So an 8-qubit
computer could operateon256 bits
values simultaneously and, by the time
we get to the equivalent of today’s
64-bit architecture,which would be
64 qubits in the quantum world, avast
18,446,744,073,709,551,616 operations
could take place at the same time.How
about that forparallelism?
With conventional computers, to
double the performance you need
twice as much hardware; with a
quantum computer you only need to
add asingle qubit. Unimaginable
power is just aqubit away. If only
things were that simple.
Areview of companies researching
quantum computing reveals big players
including Google,plus several other
companies who,asyet, are largely
unknown to the layperson. It’s
interesting to note, however,that
Microsoft, Intel and IBM –the three
companies who,arguably,were the
most influential in the birth of the
personal computing revolution –all
have active quantum computing
research projects. This begs the
question of whether history is about
to repeat itself,sowewere eager to
learn about their work in the quantum
realm and their predictions forthe
future.Wespoke to Intel and IBM to
find out about their progress to date,
the challenges and their future plans
forthis embryonic technology.
Aquick surveyofmilestones in
quantum computing research reveals
one keymetric: the number of qubits
that have been implemented in asingle
device.And progress seems to have
been slow,much slower than the
increase in the number of bits in the
early days of the microprocessor.
The first demonstration of a
quantum computation, in 1998, had
just two qubits, and it took 19 years for
this to equal the 16 bits of the Intel
8088 processor that was used in the
first IBM PC. So is the quest forqubits
the main difficulty in bringing us a
workable quantum computer and, if so,
why is progress so slow?
Dr Stefan Filipp,quantum research
technical lead at IBM Research in Zurich,
explains: “Actually,the number of qubits
is only part of the story.Ifwewant to
use quantum computers to solve real
problems, the number of qubits is
important, but so is the error rate.
In practical devices, the effective error
ratedepends on the accuracy of each
operation as well as how the processor
performs the operations, and also on
how many operations it takes to solve
aparticular problem.”
While again not dismissing the need
forqubits, Jim Clark, Intel’s director of
quantum hardware,also referred to the
coaxial cables are
used to send inputs
and outputs from
inside the dilution
refrigerator,which is
quantum chip colder
than outer space
apparatus used in a
quantum computing
experiment at the
National Institute
of Standards and