in case you’re ever on avery tech-heavy quiz
show) called client_id.json will download.
Open this JSON file by right-clicking,
choosing Open with, then selecting Notepad
from the list. Once open, you need to select
all the text (Ctrl-A) and copyit(Ctrl-C). Then
switch to the PuTTY SSH window and enter
nano assistant.json,which opens atext file
called assistant.json in the Nano text editor.
Now right-click in the PuTTY window to paste
in the contents of the JSON file.Press Ctrl-X
followed by Enter to exit and save the file.
You’ve now almost set up your own
infallible font of wisdom. Move to the
demo folder by typingcd ~/AIY-projects-
python/src/examples/.Then typevoice/
assistant_grpc_demo.pyand hit Enter.
Wait afew seconds and you’ll be asked
in case you’re ever on avery tech-heavy quiz
show) called client_id.json will download.
switch to the PuTTY SSH window and enter
nano assistant.jsonwhich opens atext file
You’ve now almost
infallible font of wisdo
⬆You must attach the six wires in this order; use the crown logo to check against this picture
⬅⬆You only need to use the
two terminal connections
furthest from the audio jack