the stories areguaranteed to be safefor
your kids to listen to,sothere’s no danger of
50 Shadesbeing read out.
Test commands:
Alexa,ask Amazon Storytime to tell me a
LEGO story.
Alexa,ask Amazon Storytime to tell me
silly stories.
Alexa,start over.
6 AnimalSounds
Want to knowwhat an animal sounds like?
Animal Sounds is the Skill foryou. Just ask
it to play youthe sound of an animal and
it will come out of your Echo speaker.
There’s ahuge number of animals to
choose from, and the list is being added
to all the time; it nowincludes everything
from elephants to ants.
Test commands:
Alexa,ask Animal Sounds forapig sound.
Alexa,ask Animal Sounds foranant
7 MeatThermometer
If you’recooking but can’tremember what
the internal temperatureofmeat should be
when it’scooked, the Meat Thermometer
Skill is foryou. Once enabled, just say,
‘Alexa,launch Meat Thermometer’.You’ll
then be asked which type of meat you’re
cooking, and youcan reply to getthe final
temperaturethat you’reaiming for.
8 BigSky
Alexa’s weather forecasting is rather basic,
but BigSky is farmoredetailed. It uses the
datafromthe excellentDark Skyapp, which
provides hyper-local weather forecasts,
including predictions forwhen it will start or
stop raining. Check out the Alexa app for
moreinformation on the Skill and
configuring it foryour address.
Test commands:
Alexa,what’sthe high temperature
Alexa,will it rain in the next three hours?
Alexa,what wasthe weather on 1st June
9 TEDTalks
TED Talksnow has ahuge library of
interesting and insightful talks, delivering
newideas from some of the planet’smost
engaging talkers. With the TED TalksSkill,
youcan listen to the catalogue from the
comfort of your ownliving room.
Test commands:
Alexa,ask TED Ta lkstoplay the latest
Alexa,ask TED Ta lksfor something funny.
Alexa,ask TED Ta lkstofind talksabout
10 TheBartender
Looking to makesome impressivecocktails
to impress your guests, or just want amore
interesting drink yourself? The Bartender is
your complete guide to cocktail making,
containing recipes forclassics such as an
OldFashioned through to moreunusual fare.
Test commands:
Alexa,open the Bartender.
Alexa,ask the Bartender to pick adrink.
Alexa,tell the Bartender to surprise me.
With Blueprints (,
you can create your veryown Skills, using the
templates thatAmazon provides. The Skills
are largelybuilt around the same format–you
providethe question thatwill be asked and
the answer you wanttogive -but are split
into useful categories and sub-sections with
example rules.
For example, the Houseguest template lets
you create simple answers forpeople staying
in your home, such as ‘What’s the Wi-Fi
password’ or ‘Where is the tea kept?’. Likewise, the Pet Sitter template has questions and
answers to do with looking after your pet.
There are other templates to dish out favourite jokes or even insults. And you can create
simple quiz games, too, either to entertain or to help with revision. Building your own
BlueprintSkill is straightforward and easy, so give it ago.
With Blueprints (,),
withAlexa Blueprints