A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


1823 Rise of liberal republics in independent Spanish
1829–1852 Establishment of Juan Manuel de Rosas’s Conservative
rule in Argentina
1830 Establishment of Conservative rule in Chile under infl u-
ence of Diego Portales
1835–1837 Revolution of Ragamuffi ns in Brazil and popular pro-
tests against aristocratic rule and slavery
1838 Destruction of liberal United Provinces of Central
America and consolidation of Conservative rule under
Rafael Carrera
1839–1852 Spread of slave revolts throughout Venezuela, prompt-
ing legal abolition of slavery in 1854
1844 Spread of slave rebellions across Cuba, some led by
enslaved Africo-Cuban women
1846–1848 United States invasion of Mexico, Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo, and surrender of half its territory
1854–1862 War of the Reform, pitting Mexican Liberals led by
Benito Juárez against Conservatives
1860s Expansion of abolitionist movement and agitation
against the emperor in Brazil
1862–1868 French intervention and occupation of Mexico under
Emperor Ferdinand Maximilian
1864 War of Triple Alliance and destruction of two decades of
Paraguayan development initiated by Dr. José Gáspar
de Francia
1868–1878 Ten Years’ War, seeking abolition of slavery and politi-
cal independence for Cuba and Puerto Rico
1870–1900 Expansion of foreign investment and rise of Liberal
caudillos like Antonio Guzmán Blanco in Venezuela
(1870–1899), Porfi rio Díaz in Mexico (1876–1910),
Rafael Núñez in Colombia (1879–1888), and Julio
Roca in Argentina (1880–1904)
1871 Passage of Rio Branco law in Brazil, manumitting new-
born slave children but requiring them to remain with
their masters until age twenty-one
1880 Abolition of slavery in Cuba and establishment of patro-
nato, an eight-year apprenticeship for liberated slaves
1889 Overthrow of Dom Pedro II and establishment of Brazil-
ian Republic
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