Basic English Grammar I

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Exercise 2

Are the bold words in the following sentences adverbs or adjectives? Write adverb or
adjective on the line after each sentence.

  1. The teacher smiled kindly.

  2. She has a lovely smile.

  3. The children in my class are very friendly.

  4. John had no friends and felt very lonely.

  5. It was raining, so they wisely decided to stay in.

  6. My dad buys a daily newspaper.

  7. Some snakes are deadly.

  8. I’ve nearly finished my homework.

  9. I shook hands politely with the head teacher.

  10. They played some very lively games.

Exercise 3

Circle the verb in each sentence below. Then underline the adverb or adverb phrase
that describes the verb. What kind of adverb is it? Write M for manner, T for time, P for
place, F for frequency or D for duration in the box after each sentence. The first one has
been done for you.

  1. Kent did his homework carelessly.

  2. We start our vacation next week.

  3. Farah read the poem in a very clear voice.

  4. The accident happened during the afternoon.

  5. The man walked very slowly.

  6. My cousin arrived yesterday.

  7. I left my schoolbag in the car.

  8. It stopped raining for a few minutes.

  9. Dad goes jogging regularly.

  10. We eat our meals in the dining room.

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