Basic English Grammar I

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^1010) SentencesSentences
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Sentences
always have a subject and a verb.
subject verb
She is working.

He is reading.
The children are playing.
They are singing.

Four Kinds of Sentence

A declarative sentence makes a statement.

It  is  raining.
Tom likes football.
The school bell was ringing.
The children are playing with the dog.
Topeka is in Kansas.

An interrogative sentence asks a question.

Where   are my  keys?
Why is the sky blue?
Who is talking to the teacher?
Is this the way to the ice skating rink?

An exclamatory sentence makes a very
strong statement called an exclamation.
It shows a strong feeling such as surprise or

What    a   kind    thing   to  do!
How beautiful she is!
The silly boy!

N o t e s

An interrogative sentence
ends with a question mark
(?) instead of a period.

N o t e s

An exclamatory sentence
ends with an exclamation
point (!) instead of a

N o t e s

A declarative sentence ends
with a period.
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