Basic English Grammar I

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Exercise 10

Write each past tense verb below under the correct heading.

laughed lived smiled landed
cried pinned hurried played
hopped tried grabbed raced

verb + ed verb + d double the last letter + ed change y to i and add ed

Exercise 11

Complete the sentences with the simple past tense of the verbs in parentheses.

  1. The boys (whisper) secrets to each other.

  2. Uncle Ben (hurry) to catch his bus.

  3. We (return) our books to the library.

  4. She (kiss) the frog and it (change) into a prince.

  5. Someone (tap) me on the shoulder.

  6. The baby (cry) when we took her toy away.

  7. John (pin) the badge onto his jacket.

  8. Two doctors (rush) into the room.

  9. This is the house that we (live) in when I was younger.

  10. Grandad (lower) himself into the chair.

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