Basic English Grammar I

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Exercise 18

Decide whether shall and will are used correctly in each sentence. Put a checkmark
in the box for a correct use and an x in the box for an incorrect use.

  1. My dad will be home later.

  2. I will never forget my days at school.

  3. Tom and Kumar shall come with us.

  4. The weather report says that it shall be sunny again tomorrow.
    5. We will miss my cousins when they leave.
    6. Raj and I shall feel happier when the exams are over.
    7. It will be late when we arrive in London.
    8. I shall stay awake all night and watch for Santa Claus.
    9. My grandparents shall enjoy coming to our house for Christmas.
    10. The winter holidays shall give us all a good rest.

Exercise 19

Read the pairs of subjects and verbs below. Then write sentences about future events
using the correct form of be going to. For example, for the first sentence you could
My friend Tom is going to sleep at my house tonight.

subject verb

  1. My friend Tom sleep

  2. We ride

  3. The dog catch

  4. Uncle Andy come

  5. It rain

  6. We eat

  7. Jamal and I have

  8. The teachers read

✓ ✗
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