Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
90 Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology

FIGURE 3.20 The quadratus lumborum (posterior

Summary of Spinal
Muscle Attachments and Actions

A summary of the attachments of the spinal muscles
is provided in table 3.1, and selected muscles and
attachments are shown in figures 3.21, A and B, and
3.22, A and B. From these resources, deduce the line
of pull and resultant possible actions of the primary
muscles of the spine; check your results by looking
at figure 3.21D and figure 3.22C.

TABLE 3.1 Summary of Spinal Muscle Attachments and Primary Actions

Muscle Origin* Insertion** Primary action
Anterior muscles
Rectus abdominis
(REK-tus ab-DOM-i-nis)

Crest of pubis
of pelvis, pubic

Cartilages of ribs

Spinal flexion
Spinal lateral flexion (same)

External oblique

Anterolateral aspect
of lower 8 ribs

Anterior crest of
ilium, crest of
pubis, and linea

Spinal flexion
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinal rotation (opposite)

Internal oblique

Thoracolumbar fascia,
anterior 2/3 of iliac
crest, lateral inguinal

Ribs 9-12,
cartilages of ribs 7-
9, and linea alba

Spinal flexion
Spinal lateral flexion (same)
Spinal rotation (same)

Transversus abdominis
(trans-VER-sus ab-DOM-i-nis)

Thoracolumbar fascia,
anterior 3/4 of iliac
crest, lateral inguinal
ligament, ribs 7-12

Linea alba, pubis Constriction of abdominal wall and
Assists with spinal stabilization

Iliopsoas (il-ee-o-SO-us)
Psoas major

processes, bodies,
and intervertebral
discs of T12-L5

Lesser trochanter
of femur

Hip flexion
Posture (maintenance of normal lumbar


Iliac fossa, crest of
ilium, sacrum

Lesser trochanter
of femur

Hip flexion
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