Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Exercise name

(Technique cues) Progression

Muscle groups: Abdominals and shoulder extensors
Muscles emphasized: Rectus abdominis, oblique abdominals, and latissimus dorsi

Joint position: Thoracic spinal extension with shoulder flexion

D. Upper back drape Sit on the floor with knees
bent, feet flat on the floor, and
the midback resting against an
exercise ball. Lace fingertips
behind head with elbows bent.
Then pull the shoulder blades
together and the elbows back,
and sequentially arch the thoracic
spine from T12 upward.
(Pull “low abdominals” in and up to
prevent the top of the pelvis from
tilting forward, and emphasize arch
occurring in upper back with head
in line with this arch.)
Variation 1: Perform sitting in a
high-backed chair, and carefully arch
the upper back up and over the top
of the chair (figure 3.26B, p. 99).

  1. Bring sitz bones back, closer to
    the ball.

  2. Extend elbows with hands in
    line with ears (figure 3.47C, p.

Muscle group: Spinal lateral flexors
Muscles emphasized: Quadratus lumborum and oblique abdominals

Joint position: Spinal lateral flexion

E. Side bend Sit with one knee bent with its side
resting on the floor and the other
leg extended to the side. Then
bend the torso to the side with the
lower arm resting on the ground
and the top arm reaching toward
the outstretched leg.
(Reach spine out long as you
laterally flex it, and keep both sitz
bones firmly in contact with the
Variation 1: Perform sitting on the
floor with both legs outstretched
(second position).
Variation 2: Perform standing turned
out, facing the barre with one leg
up on the barre to the side.

  1. Reach the hand that was on
    the floor across the front of
    the body, and bend the torso


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