Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Muscle Proximal attachment(s) Distal attachment(s) Primary action(s)
Medial muscles (continued)
Adductor magnus
(ah-DUK-tor MAG-nus)

Inferior rami of pubis and
ischium, ischial tuberosity

Linea aspera of femur Hip adduction
Hip flexion (lower fibers)

Superior ramus of pubis Line between lesser
trochanter and the linea
aspera on the upper shaft
of the femur

Hip adduction
Hip flexion


Just below symphysis
on pubis, inferior rami of
ischium and pubis

Medial surface of upper
tibia (pes anserinus)

Hip adduction
Hip flexion
(Knee flexion)

FIGURE 4.13 Anterior view of primary muscles acting on the hip joint (right hip). (A) Muscles, (B) attachments, (C)
lines of pull and actions.

Psoas major


TABLE 4.1 Summary of Attachments and Primary Actions of Hip Muscles (continued)
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