Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

28 Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology

that “P” in pointing goes with “P” in plantar flexion.
These movements occur in the sagittal plane around
an ML axis as seen in figure 1.13. Additional spe-
cialized terminology for both the upper and lower
extremity is addressed in chapters covering the
respective joints.

Joint Movements Associated
With Specific Types of Synovial Joints

Now that planes, axes, and joint movement termi-
nology have been covered, the movement capacity
of synovial joints can be added to their shape-based
description. Synovial joints can be subclassified
according to whether they have one, two, three, or
no axes—uniaxial, biaxial, triaxial, and nonaxial,
respectively. The number of axes a joint has also
parallels the number of planes in which that joint
allows motion, which is termed degrees of freedom
(df) and determines the types of movement allowed
from anatomical position.
Gliding joints are considered nonaxial joints as
they allow only slight gliding or sliding motion that
does not occur about an axis. Hinge and pivot joints
are uniaxial joints allowing movement in one plane
(1df). Hinge joints allow the movements of flexion-
extension in the sagittal plane, while pivot joints
allow rotation in the horizontal plane. Condyloid and

saddle joints are biaxial joints allowing movement in
two planes (2df). Condyloid joints generally allow
flexion-extension in the sagittal plane and abduction-
adduction in the frontal plane (although specialized
terminology is used for some of these movements).
For the saddle joint (first carpometacarpal joint),
specialized movement terminology is used that will
be addressed in chapter 7. The ball-and-socket joint
is the only type of triaxial joint, allowing move-
ment in three planes (3df). Movements allowed
are flexion-extension in the sagittal plane, abduc-
tion-adduction in the frontal plane, and external
rotation-internal rotation in the horizontal plane.
Notice that triaxial joints differ from biaxial joints
through the addition of rotation. The association of
movement capacity and joint type is summarized in
table 1.4 (p. 16).

Skeletal Considerations in Whole Body Movement.

Additional concepts come into play when one
examines the contribution of bones and joints to
functional movements such as those used in danc-
ing. Three particularly key considerations are joint
stability and mobility, close-packed and loose-packed
positions of joints, and closed and open kinematic
chain movements.

Types of Synovial Joints and Their Movements

While standing in anatomical position, identify the following joints and perform their movements. Refer
to figure 1.9 as needed.

  • Uniaxial joints. Perform the movements of the forearm that are allowed by the elbow joint. What
    type of synovial joint is it? In what plane and about what axis does movement of this joint occur? Now,
    perform movements of the forearm that are allowed by the upper radioulnar joint. In what plane and
    about what axis does movement of this joint occur?

  • Biaxial joints. Perform the movements of the hand that are allowed by the wrist joint. What type
    of synovial joint is it? In what two planes and about what two axes does movement of this joint occur?
    Now, perform movements of the thumb and note similarities and differences from the wrist joint. Can
    either of these joints be actively rotated?

  • Triaxial joints. Perform the movements of the upper arm that are allowed by the shoulder joint.
    What type of synovial joint is it? In what three planes and about what three axes does movement
    of this joint occur? How does rotation differ from circumduction? What plane is utilized with triaxial
    joints that is missing with biaxial joints? How does this combination of uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial
    joints further the stability and mobility demands of the upper extremity in gestural movements and
    weight-bearing movements in dance?


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