36 Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology
an associated nerve. The classic response of muscle
to this stimulus is to produce tension or contract.
The properties of extensibility and elasticity can be
better understood if we look at a mechanical model
of muscle.
The Mechanical Model of Muscle
A three-component mechanical model has been
developed to explain the behavior of muscle (figure
2.1). The ability of muscle to contract resides within
very small protein structures found within the muscle
cell that are further discussed in the next section of
this chapter. These structures are termed the contrac-
tile component (CC) or active component of muscle.
However, muscle also contains two elastic compo-
nents—the parallel elastic component and the series
elastic component. The contribution of these elastic
components does not require active contraction, and
hence they are also termed passive components. As
its name suggests, the parallel elastic component
(PEC) lies parallel to the contractile component and
is composed of many structures including the con-
nective tissue in muscle, the muscle cell membrane
(sarcolemma), and an elastic protein closely associ-
ated with the contractile proteins of muscle (titin).
Conversely, the series elastic component (SEC) lies
in series with the contractile component and consists
primarily of the tendon (about 85%), with a much
smaller contribution from some of the structures
of the contractile component (Alter, 2004; Enoka,
2002; Kreighbaum and Barthels, 1996; Levangie and
Norkin, 2001).
These elastic components can be modeled as a
spring (figure 2.2), and mechanical energy that is
stored in the elastic component of muscle when a
stretch is applied can be recovered when the stretch
is released (recoverable deformation), just as a spring
will quickly recoil to its unextended position when
the tension is removed. These elastic components
give rise to muscle’s property of elasticity. Elasticity is
the ability of a muscle to return to its resting length
after being stretched. In addition, the connective
tissue associated with muscle has another property,
termed viscosity. Viscous or plastic properties are
usually modeled by a hydraulic cylinder (dash pot)
as shown in figure 2.2 and reflect puttylike behavior,
in which the elongation produced by a force remains
after the force is removed (permanent deformation).
Together, the elastic and viscous properties of con-
nective tissue are termed viscoelastic, and it is this
viscoelastic response that gives rise to muscle’s prop-
erty of extensibility as seen in figure 2.3. Extensibility
or distensibility is the ability of muscle to be stretched
or to increase in length beyond resting length. The
average muscle fiber can be stretched 1.5 times its
resting length (Hamilton and Luttgens, 2002). The
FIGURE 2.1 Three-component mechanical model of
FIGURE 2.2 Viscoelastic properties of connective