Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Exercise 5

On the staff below each keyboard, write the enharmonic spellings for the keys marked with an X. Identify the
letter name below each note.

Example 1.

2. 3.

Diatonic and Chromatic Half Steps

Notes forming a half step may be written in two ways: both notes may be written using the same letter name or
the notes may be written with two consecutive letter names. For example, the half step F to F#may also be
written F to Gb. If the letter names are differentconsecutive letters, the half step is called a diatonichalf step
(di= two). If the letter names are the same, this is called a chromatichalf step (chroma= color).



E b D #^ A #^ Bb

Workbook Exercises 4.1–4.4
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