Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
TRACKS 53–54

Track 53 Ascending chromatic scale; Track 54 Descending chromatic scale. The ascending and descend-
ing chromatic scales from C will be played twice. Listen first, then sing the note names the second time.

Exercise 8

Draw the following chromatic scales using whole notes. Identify each note below the staff. Make sure that:

  • There are 12 different notes, each a half step apart. A thirteenth note at the end is an octave higher or lower
    than the beginning note.

  • Accidentals on the staff are placedin frontof the note and on the same line or space as the note.

  • When identifying the letter name, the accidental is written following the letter (for example, F#^ or Db).

  • When ascending, use sharps; when descending, use flats.

  1. Ascending chromatic scale from C#to C#.

  2. Ascending chromatic scale from B to B.

  3. Descending chromatic scale from F to F.

Exercise 9—Class Exercise—Singing

Sing using solfège, numbers, note names or the syllable “La.”

  1. Track 55—To review, sing C to C, ascending and descending.

  2. Track 56—Sing the ascending chromatic scale. Use the second line as a pronunciation guide.





(Doh Dee Ray Ree Mee Fah Fee Sol See Lah Lee Tee Doh)
1___________ 2___________ 3 4___________ 5___________ 6___________ 7 8


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