- Interval quality specifies the exact size of the interval number, which is determined by the number of half
steps between the two pitches. Quality determines the “color” of the interval. There are five qualities: perfect,
major, minor, augmented, and diminished. Quality will be discussed in more depth later in this module.
Wewill begin our discussion with interval numberor quantity. Following are the ascending intervals from
C, counting the first note “C” as “1”. This interval “1” is also called the unison (“one sound”). The interval of
asecond (written as “2”) is determined by counting from C (as 1) to D (which is 2). The interval from C to E, as
shown earlier, is called a “third” and written as “3”. All other intervals follow similarly, up to the octave from
Cto C which is written as “8.”
Exercise 1—Class Exercise
Sing the following exercises using solfège or numbers. In the second exercise, relate the distance separating
each pair of pitches (the interval) with the sound of the corresponding pitches.
- Track 78
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Unison Octave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8C D E F G A B C