Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1






Theory Trainer

Exercise 10aIdentify intervals by ear: Perfect, major.

Changing Major Intervals: Minor

To change a major (M) interval to minor (m), lower the upper note by a half step without changing the letter
name of the notes. For example:

  • Inthe first example, the M3 is decreased in size by moving the C sharp down a half step to C natural.

  • In the second example, the M6 is decreased in size by moving the F sharp down a half step to F natural.

Method 1: Determining a minor interval using a key signature: 2, 3, 6, 7

  • Determine the interval number: 2, 3, 6, or 7.

  • Use the key signature to determine the majorinterval.

  • The minorinterval is a half step smaller than the major interval. Do not use the key signature of the minor
    scale to determine the minor interval.(To do so would result in an incorrect interval of the minor second.)


Key: A major M3 m3 M6 m6

A Cn Fn

C# F#



Workbook Exercises 10.3–10. 5

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