Theory Trainer
Exercise 10cDraw intervals when given the bottom note.
Exercise 11
Draw intervals above the given pitch. Add accidentals as needed.
Theory Trainer
Exercise 10aIdentify intervals by ear: Perfect, major, minor.
Exercise 12
Identify the interval (1 to 8) and quality (P, M, m) of the underscored pitches in the following melody.
“La Cumparsita” (Tango) (G.H.M. Rodriguez)
Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
M2 M3 m7 M6 m6 m3 M7
m6 M2 M3 m2 m3 M6 m7
Vocabulary note
The tangooriginated in Argentina and Uraguay in the late nineteenth century, first as a style of music and later as a distinctive
dance. Spanish, African, and Cuban musical styles and rhythms mixed together. Eventually, the dance was characterized by a
sudden stop followed by various gestures, and also by gyrations of the hips.