Listen to “Love Me Tender.”
Discuss the different way chords are written and performed in this song: blocked, broken and implied.
“Love Me Tender” (E. Presley and V. Matson)
Notice that the bass clef notes below the melody provide the harmony,which may be “blocked” chords as in
the first three measures, “broken” chords as in mm. 5 and 6, or “implied” chords as in mm. 7 and 8.
TRACKS 88–90
Listen to three musical examples which represent the following: a melody accompanied by a variation
of the same melody, a melody accompanied by a harmony, or a melody alone.
- Karnatak “Budham as ́rayami,” Southeast Asian music
- “Black Girl (in the Pines)” (Lead Belly), American blues music
- Vai Call to Prayer, African Music
“Broken” chords “Implied” chords
“Blocked” chords