Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Exercise 12.4

Each of the following seven time signatures will be used once. In the boxes next to each melody, write the
missing time signature. Write the counts below each melody. Clap and sing. Which examples begin with
anacrusis measures? _____ Which ones end with incomplete measures?____

  1. “Skye Boat Song,” Scottish melody

  2. “hãta yo” (“Clear the Way”), Teton Sioux Indian war song


This is the song that an American Indian medicine man had sung in the late 1800s while painting war paint on the forehead of the
Sioux warrior Bear Eagle. Singing for the warrior, the medicine man voiced: “Clear the way! In a sacred manner I come!”To the
Sioux, war was a sacred act.

Cultural note

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